to Dallas students
by providing food,
and basic supplies

Supporting youth in our community through
The Kindness Club was started in the Fall of 2016. The following Spring we began our Friday Bag program, delivering a weekend food bag to students in the Dallas area. Out small beginnings of 11 students has now reached as high as 220 students each week receiving a Friday Bag.
In addition we have a free clothing closet and personal hygiene area for students.
879 SW Levens St. Dallas
Now accepting donations of Food, Pop Cans, Youth clothing
Monday 9am-1pm
Wednesday 9am-1pm
Friday 9am-4pm

Current Projects
Friday Pantry/Friday Bags
Friday Pantry - Students needing extra support of food and personal items can either shop the Friday Pantry or receive a Friday Bag which is delivered to their school at the end of each week. Last year we reached 220 students receiving food and personal items to assist their needs each week.
All of our student members during the school year are invited to participate in our
summer Friday Bag program. This year we offer pick up or delivery. We currently have 5 routes driving and dropping bags at individual homes or
students picking up their Friday Bag. We have 134 students in our summer program in 2024.
Summer Program
Ways to Get Involved
Friday Pantry * Friday Bags * Stocking Shelves * Sorting Clothing Being a Shopper * Spreading the Word * Being Kind
If you are interested in getting involved, or want more information
visit our Contact Us page.